Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a section leader and I don't understand the YL scheme

Have a look at the Scouts website here

I have a volunteer for DofE, do they have to do Module A?

Yes, register them on the SignUp page

Who really needs to do it, do DofE really need Module A?

Yes, anyone aged 13.5-18 who is helping with a section.

But DofE aren't Young Leaders?

True, but that's not the issue. Everyone aged 13.5-18 helping with a section has to do Module A of the Young Leaders Training scheme, whether they are an Explorer YL or volunteering as part of DofE, or a child of a leader, or an ex-scout who hangs around "to help", or ex-scouts who are coming back during holidays on camps, and so on .....

But these young people are only doing DofE, they aren't Young Leaders

To be clear, DofE volunteers must do Module A training and it's recommended that they do more relevant training for their DofE service to count. It is the training they need, not whether they are considered to be Young Leaders.

DofE volunteers are covered by DofE insurance, for the period of doing their DofE volunteering, providing that they are registered with the Young Leader Unit. DofE volunteers do not need to be members of Scouting to do their DofE as a Young Leader.

I'll just let them claim they are doing DofE, they really don't want to be a Young Leader

Once a DofE volunteer has completed their DofE service period, 3 months or 6 months, then they must stop helping at scouts, they are no longer covered by DofE insurance .....


If they are still keen to continue, then they can become an Explorer Scout Young Leader, just by letting me know that they are continuing to help. Then they can be invested, wear uniform, help with section meetings, while now being covered by scouting insurance, but they don't have to attend weekly Explorers meetings, if they don't wish to. They would then be an Explorer Young Leader, rather than a DofE young leader.

I thought that DofE volunteers could just turn up, do their volunteering, then that's it

If you have DofE volunteers in your section, check whether they have done Module A with me, it's a requirement for DofE. Also, anyone doing DofE should be registered with the YL Unit.

Please ask anyone who is a DofE volunteer to sign up for the next available Module A.

Who else should do Module A?

If you have any scouts aged 14-14.5 or older Explorers who want to be a Young Leader, or any Young Leaders who haven't yet done Module A (have they got a YL arm badge? If not, they probably haven't done Module A) get them to sign up for Module A too.

I'm still puzzled ....

If you have any questions about DofE volunteering or the Young Leader Scheme, please get in touch.